SF International - Products
The SF International develop and produces essencial products to the performance of your sistem of steam in the Brazil since 1995. Since then, the SF International expanded and been changing on a leader in the development of technologies for the best management of the steam industrial lines; offering a broad variety of solutions.
The success and the strength of the products from SF International become of the understanding of Technologies who fulfills the need of the brazilian industries, with development of smart and innovating products, practical and effective, inexpensive and affordable for any level of customer who have with objective the reduction of your energetic and operational costs, adding thermal efficiency and productivity.
The technological incessant evolution, combined with an irreparable building quality, that become the SF International products equipped with high performance and durability.
Steam Traps are automatic valves used to discharge condensate and non condensable gases. They close in the presence of live steam. Every steam trap is designed to eliminate condensate without losing live steam. This condensate is eliminated through different ways and different pressure and temperat...
Pipeline Accessories
The pipeline accessories play an important role while analyzing the entire system. They can keep the pipes clean, regulate and measure the flow, as well as reduce noise.
Pump and energy recovery
To maximize the energy efficiency of your system, it is necessary to return the condensate to the boiler.
Control and Safety Systems
The energy used through the industrial processes should be monitored.
Control Systems for Boilers
Through our control system it is possible to introduce steam silently or even remove fluids and cool them to the ideal temperature for analysis. Another differential is the removal of sludge and salts from the boilers with the least possible loss of pressure.
Assembled Solutions
Nowadays our customers are realizing that buy the goods pre-assembled, produced and built together is much more worthwhile, by been easier to be specified, the products, like steam traps, strainers, etc, come correctly installed and the time plus effort of installation become reduced.